Empowering Efficient Cargo Trading through Competitive Bidding.

Empowering traders with competitive bidding for efficient cargo sales on a dynamic React JS and Golang platform.


An innovative trading platform designed for traders to showcase their cargos with detailed features, enabling competitive bidding to secure optimal prices. This application facilitates efficient selling by allowing traders to auction their cargos, encouraging a dynamic marketplace where buyers compete, ultimately resulting in better prices for the goods.
Technology Used

Business Requirements

Create a versatile trading platform that empowers users to effectively sell their cargos at competitive prices. This business requirement aims to establish a dynamic marketplace where sellers can list their goods, attract potential buyers, and secure advantageous deals for their cargos.

Our Solutions

We created an application with the following modules
  • Create new cargo with details.
  • Watchlist- To see cargos list.
  • Bid.
  • My Products.
  • My Sales- lists the sold cargos.


CargoBid, developed using React JS and Golang, facilitates efficient trading with features for cargo listing, bidding, and sales. It addresses the business need by establishing a dynamic marketplace for traders to competitively sell goods, ensuring optimal prices through effective bidding.

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